Sunday, April 26, 2009

St. Louis, Missouri

Today we’re at St. Louis, Missouri and we’re visiting Dad’s friend from college. Mr. John, Ms. Robin, Nicole, Catherine, Mary, and Kelly are their names. Their house is giant, and I really liked doing the sleepover in their basement. They have a wii and they have exercise machines and ping pong.

Yesterday we went to this really big arch. It was like a big circle but the bottom was cut off. There were cranes that went up and they put big triangles made out of steel on top of each other. We went on an elevator that doesn’t look like an elevator. There are these little seats for 5 people in a car, and there are 9 cars. I really liked going to the top because you could look out of the windows. I was really high, at 660 feet! Everything looked tiny, like a lake, the Mississippi River, and buildings.

We went to dinner at an Italian restaurant. The menu was in Italian. The spaghetti was so big that Ben and I split it. I finished mine, but Ben couldn’t eat all of his!

After that, we went to this really cool place called the City Museum. It wasn’t a museum; it was a giant playground! They call it a museum because there are all these antiques and wires that are really old. They made them into tunnels and we could go through them. There was a jet and an airplane. Inside there were a whole bunch of tunnels called the caves. I got separated from my group, and then my Mom found me. We left there in the night time and I fell asleep in the car on the way home.

Before we came here, we went to Ft. Campbell, Kentucky and I got to feed a horse some peppermints. I really liked shooting at the skeet range and playing with my trucks in the mud. We did a lot of school there. Now I’m in 2nd grade because I finished 1st grade and it’s pretty hard.

Before that, we went to the Wild Horse Saloon. I got to play pool with Tucker and my brothers and Dad. Also, I danced a line dance. They call it that because a whole bunch of people do it at the same time in a line. It was fun. We went there because it was Will’s birthday. Will got a sweet rip stick and an air soft pistol for his birthday.

Then Tucker left. I really liked Tucker coming because it made it more fun. I hope he’ll come again.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Huntsville, Alabama

April 19
We’ve been playing with Tucker now for one week, and it’s been really fun! Tucker is a great cousin. Two boys sleep on the floor, and three sleep on the couch and air mattress. It’s really comfortable.

We shot air soft pistols at my Dad’s friend’s house, and her name is Mrs. G. I really liked this big gun. It wasn’t a pistol but a giant rifle. They have a big field with two chickens. Also, there’s a pond with a rope swing, and another pond without a rope swing. Ben and I went off the swing, and the water was cool. They have two boys named Tony and Chris.

Yesterday we went out with Trevor and Robert Armstrong to a lake. I got to ride in their Dad’s mustang and it’s fast and fun! The top was down and it was sunny. One day I’m going to have a car like that just like his (dark blue). We went to this lake and we went really fast through a giant mud puddle. We had two boats and we went around in those. I went swimming. Ben went swimming. I went supermanning into their boat. We caught minnows using nets right off the dock. There’s poison ivy, snakes and ticks and we didn’t get any of those things.

We went to Space Camp and it was cool. It’s a place for kids and adults to go and learn about space. I really liked it because I bought an awesome F117 stealth fighter. I had to build it. I learned about Apollo 13, and I really liked the movie we saw. It was about astronauts walking on the moon. I went on this cool ride called the G-wave and it spins around really fast. I want to go there as a student someday.

Ms. Ronda is a nice lady who we saw and she had dinner at our RV. She has grandchildren. They were really little when they were born and their lungs didn’t work very well. Now they’re OK and they’re at home.

We went to Mr. and Mrs. Campbell’s cabin, and we jumped off a boathouse that was 20 feet above the water. We were on a big lake. We got to feed crackers to fishies, and they were about 3 feet long. They are really slow, and you could stick your hand in because they don’t bite. Their cabin was small, and Mrs. Campbell’s Dad built it a long time ago. We went for a boatride, and I really liked it because we went fast.

We went to COL Lamb’s house. All the kids went playing around in the back yard. We had a fun time eating dinner and watching King Kong. Their house was very big and nice.

In Tennessee we went to the community center. We had fun playing Rock Band and I really liked playing drums. I sang two songs. Ben sang. Tucker sang too and he did really well. Will played guitar. We played Ninja Turtles, and I built a big tower with Lincoln Logs.
Today we’re having Will’s birthday party, and he’s going to be 12. His real birthday is in two days, but we’re celebrating it today before Tucker leaves.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tennessee and Florida

April 12

Today we just went to a giant fireworks store and now we’re in Tennessee. Our first stop was the fireworks store because Robby really wanted to come because he loves fireworks. They had a million fireworks. It was like Wal-Mart! Tennessee has a lot of hills and rocks. It’s beautiful.

This morning we got up early before the sun came up to go to church. Before church, I found my Easter basket! It was behind the queen’s throne. The queen’s throne is my Mom’s favorite seat in the front. In my Easter basket was googly green, that’s really squishy and cute, and has funny eyes. Also, there were lots and lots of candy. Church was outside on a picnic table at the campground. It was really cool because it wasn’t that long and we could look out at the lake.

We were at that campground for 4 days. It had a giant water slide, a pond, a pool, a skateboarding park, a play ground, a game room, an Easter egg hunt, and lots of bike paths. I met some friends and then I got to ride their dirt bike. It was really cool because it had training wheels on it, and it was a 50 cc. My Dad rode a much bigger dirt bike. I went too fast on a turn and got stuck in the woods.

I finished my last green test for first grade! My brothers are working hard on their 120 green tests. Also, last week we went to Luc and Lea’s house. They have an awesome pool, and I really liked playing with them. Luc is 7 like me, and Lea is 4. They have a cool toy helicopter that you fly in the air with a remote control.

We went to an awesome place called Gator Place. There was a really funny tour guide. He called up my Mom and told her that she was going to wrestle an alligator. She got really scared. Then he brought out a small alligator with a strap around its mouth so it couldn’t bite. My Mom held it, and then everybody else got to hold it.

The airboat ride had an airplane engine and it was really noisy. It’s called an airboat ride and you go around, and the driver went really fast. The water was only 4 inches deep, but the mud was 4 ft. deep. We didn’t get stuck in the mud because our airboat doesn’t sink down. We saw a peacock too, and awesome fish in the canal. We saw about 10 alligators too.

Key West was a really nice place. I love Key West and going to Dry Tortugas. Also I really liked holding Lucy, the parrot. She was green and blue and red. She kind of bit me, and her tongue is shaped like a thumb. It’s really dry and she uses it to hold food, and she also uses it to bite the cage and climb. I made a coconut fish. We got a coconut from palm trees, and then drilled holes and put little sticks in it for fins. We put little seeds for eyes and glued them, and then painted it pink, blue, green, purple, yellow, and light blue.

Cousin Tucker is coming here in one day!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dry Tortugas and Key West

Two days ago, we went to Dry Tortugas National Park. It’s a big Army Fort called Fort Jefferson, and in the moat you can look down and see lots of sea urchins. Dry Tortugas is a key that’s 70 miles out from Key West. We went on a big boat called a cat. I really liked seeing Dr. Mudd’s cell. We went in it with flashlights because it’s pitch dark and the door is pushed out. Dr. Mudd went to jail because he helped the guy who killed President Lincoln. He was a doctor and the man had a broken leg, so Dr. Mudd had to fix his leg. The man who killed President Lincoln was killed, but Dr. Mudd went to jail at Dry Tortugas. Then everyone started getting Yellow Fever. Dr. Mudd helped these people, and then after 4 years, they let him go free. I went on top of the fort which was 3 stories high, and I jumped off (April Fools!).

There isn’t much land on Dry Tortugas because the fort takes up almost all the land. There’s a little area where we were camping, and it had lots of roots where I stubbed my toe. Now I have a bruise. We camped for one night. I slept in my own tent until a hermit crab came and I could feel it on my big toe. Then I got kind of freaked out, so I slept in my Mom and Dad’s tent. Mom stepped on my hurt toe!

We went snorkeling and saw lots of parrot fish and a big puffer fish. I still really like the parrot fish. The best place to snorkel was right where all these fish were. There used to be big boards on top where Navy ships would come get coal. Now all that’s left are just the poles down into the water, and the fish love it there.

It was really cool when we saw big Grouper fish, and there was a man who caught one on his fishing pole! They’re about 6 or 7 ft long. The biggest one is called Otis by the park rangers. Otis likes to swim right off the docks under the boats.

There’s a key nearby, and it’s called Bush Key and it’s only like 100 yards away. There’s like a million birds over there. They’re eating bugs and getting ready to fly to their summer place because it’ll be way too hot here. You could hear the birds so loudly. The color of the water right by Bush Key is really, really light blue.

When we came back to Key West, we passed the place where the Atocha sank 350 years ago. It was really cool looking off the bow because you could see the other pontoon of the cat slicing the water, and it would go under the water. We saw a big turtle, but the captain turned so we didn’t hit it. When we were going to Dry Tortugas, we saw a dolphin.

Now we’re at Key West again. There were two dogs at the last campground called Suzie and Charlie. They’re really nice. I took them for walks, and I brushed them. I really want to have a dog. I played street hockey here on a rink wearing my roller blades and a helmet. It’s different from ice hockey, because it’s hard to stop. It’s similar because you have the same game. I shot a puck past an adult goalie!

We did lots of school here. I finished green test 140, and now I’m getting close to the end of 1st grade. I have to do test 160 still.